"We see the same colours, we hear the same sounds, but not in the same way"
Simone Weil
French philosopher Simone Weil lived in the first half of the 20th century; however, this quotation still sounds reasonable all around the world. Our culture, our environment, the way we live, the people around us; our friends, lovers, sisters and brothers affect our perceptions in several ways. People are different from each other in every aspects, even the identical twins don't feel the same in the same situations. They may interpret an instance completely opposite ways. Our needs and benefits play n enormous role in perceiving a message anyway. Many conflicts may occur because of these different interpretations. One may not agree with the other; however, this is an inevitable thing in human nature.
Weil's argument can also be a mirror to the biggest problem of the history "Can history be an objective subject?" No, history can never be seen in an objective perspective, because even if you tell an event that you witnessed, you tell it in your own perspective, in other words you reflect it with your style. You may think that people could tell what they observe, objectively. But still this is not being objective. Even if you tell an instance that you observed, you highlight the parts which are important to you, most importantly you tell it in your tone with your own words, which may not reflect the exact the instance for another.
As Weil puts in, we all have different interpretations and we should consider different approaches and respect them all to avoid conflicts.
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